
  • Five Foods To Eat When You're Recovering From A Dry Socket

    After a dentist pulls a tooth out of your mouth with a pair of orthodontic pliers, a blood clot will form over the exposed socket. If this blood clot clears up too quickly, bone and nerves exposed to the open air will cause great pain. Luckily, after you go back to your dentist and get a gauze to cover a dry socket, eating these five foods instead of messy junk food will help you to avoid pain.
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  • Foods That Promote Healing after Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

    Having your wisdom teeth removed can be quite painful and knowing what to eat after the surgery is not common knowledge to many people. While you should eat soft foods after having your wisdom teeth extracted, knowing which soft foods actually promote healing can make shorten your recover time. Here are the best foods to eat after having your wisdom teeth removed. Mashed Sweet Potatoes Many people choose to eat mashed potatoes after having their wisdom teeth removed because it is a soft, easy dish to prepare.
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  • How To Get Help With Dental Bills You Can't Afford To Pay

    Paying off dental bills can be expensive even if you have insurance, and if you already have bills that need paying, you may not be able to receive further dental care. If you have a large number of bills to pay, or bills that total a large amount, there are a number of things you can do to help pay off those bills in a way that won't drain you financially and won't require high-interest loans.
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  • 6 Reasons To Visit A Pediatric Dentist

    If you have children, you will want to be sure to take good care of the child's teeth. This may require you to visit a pediatric dentist who specializes in dental treatment for children. There are other ways a dentist of this type may be able to help you. Knowing the reasons to visit a pediatric dentist may have you motivated to schedule your child's first appointment. Reason #1: Evaluate baby teeth
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  • How To Treat Your Gum Disease: What You Need To Know

    Gum disease is a painful and uncomfortable condition. Once your dentist or periodontist, like Dr. Corinne R. Scalzitti, diagnoses your gum disease, you may be relieved to finally know what was causing all of your mouth pain and inflammation. However, you may also wonder what to do now. Luckily, there are several treatment options available to you for your gum disease. Conventional and alternative treatments can be used in conjunction to optimize and speed up results so you can get your healthy mouth back.
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  • How A Family Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile

    If you have teeth that are lacking in luster or are causing you pain, you need to visit a family dentist with a knack for troubleshooting smile defects. There are a number of services that a dentist provides that can help with your situation, including teeth whitening procedures, cleanings, cosmetic dentistry and dentures. These types of services can enhance the way you look and the way you perceive yourself. Teeth Whitening
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  • Keep The Peace: 3 Tips To Get Your Teen To Wear Invisalign Trays

    Teenagers aren't exactly known for their high levels of responsibility.  If your teen is about to start the Invisalign system of teeth straightening, you're likely concerned about how to keep him or her using the aligners the prescribed 20-22 hours a day.  Although the trays come with blue indicator lines that will let you and your orthodontist know if the teen has been using the system properly, you likely want to know sooner than every six weeks.
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  • Three Essential Tips For Good Oral Health While Traveling

    It is not easy to maintain your good oral hygiene while on vacation. You have to make a conscious effort if you wish to protect your teeth. Here are three essential tips you should not forget: Dry Your Toothbrush Bacteria thrive in moist places, so a wet toothbrush makes a perfect breeding ground for these pathogens. Keep your toothbrush as dry as possible via any reasonable means such as: Taking it out of the suitcase as soon as you arrive in your accommodation Keeping it out of the travel container whenever possible Standing it upright to allow the water to drip down Airing your toothbrush in the dashboard if you are in a personal car Try Helpful Dental Treats
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  • Chip A Tooth? Veneers Can Restore Your Perfect Smile

    If you've recently chipped a front tooth, then you know the feelings of shock and horror that run through your body when you first feel the rough chipped area with your tongue. You probably ran to the mirror and stared at yourself, perhaps even crying as you thought about your once-perfect smile and how quickly it was just ruined. Chipping a front tooth is undoubtedly unpleasant, but you don't have to panic.
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  • 6 Tips For Keeping Away Cavities (And Extra Pounds) Over The Holidays

    The holiday season is a notorious diet-wrecker, a time when people tend to overindulge on rich foods and sweet treats.  Society justifies it as a "splurge" time, a celebration with family and friends, a time to throw caution to the wind. However, there is a price to be paid in terms of extra pounds, tight clothes and - if you're lax on your dental hygiene, too - cavities. Use these tips to help you exercise moderation this holiday season so that you can enjoy yourself without guilt (and a trip to the dentist) in the new year:
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