Three Essential Tips For Good Oral Health While Traveling

Posted on: 19 November 2014

It is not easy to maintain your good oral hygiene while on vacation. You have to make a conscious effort if you wish to protect your teeth. Here are three essential tips you should not forget:

Dry Your Toothbrush

Bacteria thrive in moist places, so a wet toothbrush makes a perfect breeding ground for these pathogens. Keep your toothbrush as dry as possible via any reasonable means such as:

  • Taking it out of the suitcase as soon as you arrive in your accommodation
  • Keeping it out of the travel container whenever possible
  • Standing it upright to allow the water to drip down
  • Airing your toothbrush in the dashboard if you are in a personal car

Try Helpful Dental Treats

If you are always on the move (for example hiking or visiting different attractions), then you might find it difficult to brush your teeth after every meal. This puts your teeth at risk because brushing your teeth is meant to get rid of any bits of food and the bacteria that feed on them.

You can also keep your mouth clean by treating it to different helpful snacks, such as sugarless gum. Chewing gum is helpful because:

  • It stimulates saliva production and flow, and this helps to clean the offending bits of food from your mouth.
  • The foreign particles in your mouth stick to the gum instead of your teeth or gums

The snacks need to be sugar-free; introducing sugar to your mouth only encourages further bacteria colonization. Another treat you can try is green tea, which according to ScienceDaily, has antibacterial properties.

Don't Change Your Eating Habits Too Much

Vacation has a terrible habit of changing people's eating habits. That is why you are more likely to gain weight while on vacation than while living your normal life at home. Unfortunately, changing your eating habits can also have a negative impact on your oral health. One reason for this is that:

  • You are likely to experiment with different foods while vacationing, and some of these may be acidic or sugary enough to damage your teeth.
  • Snacking is easier while you are always eating on the move.
  • You are likely to eat lots of processed foods even if you normally plan your meals at home.
  • The carefree attitude of a vacation extends to carefree-eating habits.

You can minimize the damage by snacking on healthier things such as fruits. Since you may not succeed in staying away from sugary foods, limit the number of times you eat them and clean your mouth every time.

If you don't watch your dental hygiene while vacationing, then you will just be undoing the good work you usually give your oral cavity at home. For more information, contact Barnstable Dental Associates or a similar organization.
