
  • Fixing And Restoring Shifted Dental Implants

    Unlike dentures, bridges, and crowns, dental implants are a much longer term solution for teeth replacement. Because implants are inserted into the patient's jawbone, they tend to last much longer and sometimes can be completely permanent with no issues. In some cases, however, the implant can shift inside the gum line, causing the top fitting or tooth to become loose and making them uncomfortable. Implants can be corrected and restored using several different effective methods.
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  • Don't Let Sports Drinks Harm Your Child's Oral Health

    If you have a child that participates in physical activities like football or even gymnastics, you have probably at least considered the idea of giving your child a sports drink. These tasty drinks are designed to help replenish any carbohydrates, fluids, electrolytes and other nutritional elements that are lost during periods of intense physical activity. On the surface, these drinks seem like a healthy and great choice. However, when it comes to your child's oral health, sports drinks can be harmful.
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  • Questions And Answers About Root Canals

    Root canals are endodontic procedures that involve the removal of the interior of a tooth. Inside a normal tooth, there is soft, living material called pulp. The pulp of the tooth houses the dental nerves. Thus, severe discomfort can result if the pulp becomes damaged, infected or inflamed. To relieve the pain and salvage your tooth, your dentist may prescribe a root canal. Still, many dental patients have questions about root canal procedures.
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  • 3 Reasons To Restrict Or Stop Your Toddler's Pacifier Usage

    Pacifiers can provide health benefits during a baby's first six months. However, by the time the little one becomes a toddler, it's a good idea for parents to start thinking about ending this habit. Consider what the experts have to say and then devise a plan for weaning your little one from pacifier use. Reasons to Stop Pacifier Usage by Toddlers Increased Risk of Ear Infections The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends ending or limiting pacifier use between the age of six months to one year to reduce the risk of ear infections.
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  • Are You A Candidate For Interproximal Reduction?

    An interproximal reduction is a dental procedure that involves removing some enamel (the outermost part of the teeth) without damaging the inner tissues. It is also known as interdental reduction or teeth shaving, among other dental names. Here are examples of four situations in which you may need the procedure: Your Teeth Are Crowded One of the primary reasons for conducting interproximal reduction is to reduce overcrowding. Your dentist may suggest teeth shaving if the overcrowding is the only issue with your teeth.
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  • 3 Reasons Dental Implants Fail

    The dental implant procedure allows you to replace missing teeth and restore your smile without the use of bridges or partial dentures. It is the only permanent solution, but it is also one that sometimes fails. While rare, there are a few things that can cause dental implant failure. Not Enough Jawbone Density When you get dental implants, a metal post is implanted into the jawbone of the missing tooth. If your tooth has been missing for a while, you might not have sufficient bone, as it can deteriorate over time.
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  • Oral Piercings & Dental Health: Risks And Consequences

    While oral piercings can be a cool addition to your piercing collection, they can also lead to a number of serious dental issues. Many of the dental issues outlined below will be unavoidable over time, which is why those considering oral piercings should certainly give them a second thought. Gum Disease Oral piercings come into constant contact with the gums, resulting in multiple and repeated injuries. Over time, the gums will begin to react to the interactions by receding.
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  • 3 Tips To Help Keep Your Mouth Healthy With Braces

    Getting braces is exciting because it puts you on the path of having a gorgeous smile with straight teeth. You want to make sure that you care for your oral health while you have braces. This helps to ensure that your smile is beautiful once your orthodontist removes your braces. Keep regular appointments with your dentist and orthodontist for required teeth cleanings and adjustments to your braces. Oral hygiene is extremely important.
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  • Three Simple Ways To Prepare Your Child For Braces

    A child who is ready to begin visiting an orthodontist to receive braces might feel a little apprehensive about the changes he or she will soon undergo. Although your child might mostly understand that having perfect, healthy teeth will offset any temporary inconveniences caused by the braces, he or she could still use a little encouragement. Whether you benefited from braces as a child or not, you can take a series of steps to ensure that your child embraces the changes head-on and that the transition is as smooth as possible.
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  • Tackling A Few Of The Most Common Misconceptions About Teeth Whitening During Pregnancy

    Being pregnant may be a joyous occasion, but it does come along with bodily changes that are anything but pleasurable. From ill-fitting clothes to feeling frumpy overall, you will likely be quite eager to make sure that at the very least, you can still show off a pearly white smile. However, there are not many women who will try to whiten their teeth during pregnancy thanks to some pretty common misconceptions.
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