• Healthy Teeth Tips: 5 Vitamins And Minerals To Make Sure Your Child Is Getting

    If you want your kids to have healthy teeth, you may wonder where you should start. While you know that you need drill a solid brushing and flossing routine into your child's day-to-day schedule, what else is there for you to do? Well, there are certain vitamins and minerals that can help to build strong, healthy teeth. Here are five of them. 1. Calcium Calcium is known as the bone-building and bone-strengthening mineral.
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  • Scared Of Pain? Here's Why You Can Relax About Seeing A Dentist

    Being afraid of the dentist is a common problem that many people experience, typically due to a fear of pain. Allowing anyone to poke around in your mouth and potentially to perform major procedures can be anxiety-inducing, but you should trust in your dentist's ability to keep you comfortable. Here are a few of the reasons why you shouldn't worry about pain when you visit your dentist. Sedation One of the first things you can ask for is whether or not your dentist offers sedation.
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  • 3 Tips For Your Best Dental Health

    If you'd like to really get the most from your oral health, there are strategies you can use to prevent cavities, get the regular dental care that you need, and handle cosmetic matters. The more that you care for your dental health, the easier it'll be to handle your digestive health and preserve your smile for the long-run. To be sure that you are taken care of in this regard, read on and follow the strategies below.
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  • What To Look For In A Dental Implant Specialist

    Dental implants can change your life. When you get dental implants, you receive a smile that will last and give you confidence. Whether you've lost a majority of your teeth due to age, medical issues, an accident, or you just want to have your decaying teeth removed and implants put in their place, once you get dental implants, your smile is permanently changed for the better. You likely have been referred to an orthodontist or oral surgeon to receive your dental implants.
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  • Tips For Taking Care Of Your Sensitive Teeth

    If you have sensitive teeth, you may experience extreme discomfort whenever you eat or drink something very hot or cold. Along with avoiding extremes in your food's temperatures, use the following tips while caring for your sensitive teeth to help keep your symptoms from becoming worse. Change the Way You Brush Your Teeth When you have sensitive teeth, you need to change the way you brush your teeth. The standard types of brushes and techniques could cause further erosion and thinning of your enamel, which will lead to even more sensitivity than you are currently experiencing.
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  • 3 Effective Whitening Treatments To Consider For Yellow Teeth

    One dental issue that can really take its toll on your confidence is yellow teeth. You may have failed to brush properly or ate the wrong things. Whatever caused your teeth to turn yellow over time, all is not lost. You can reverse these effects with the following whitening treatments.  Whitening Strips  Today, there are plenty of whitening kits you can use that contain whitening strips. These are intended to go on the front surface of your upper and lower teeth.
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  • What You Should And Shouldn't Do After A Tooth Is Knocked Out

    Getting a tooth knocked out isn't an experience that anyone wants to go through, but it is nonetheless a fairly common occurrence for athletes, during accidents, or in car crashes. If you or someone you care about have had a tooth knocked out, it's important to take the right steps while preparing to see a dentist. Here's what you should and shouldn't do following a tooth being knocked out. Preserve the Tooth
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  • Are Dental Implants Safe?

    Dental implants are one of many replacement options you have available to you when you lose more than one tooth. While most people have nothing but positive things to say about their dental implants, it's reasonable to be concerned about the long-term impacts of having implants. If you count yourself among them, read on to discover the three ways dental implants work with your body. Titanium in the Body Titanium is used to create the posts that dental implants (your replacement tooth) will sit upon.
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  • 3 Family Dental Tips For Summer

    Summer brings with it plenty of opportunities to go outside and have fun with the whole family. But summer can also bring an increase in cavities and other dental health problems if you are not careful. If you want your entire family to make it through this next summer with their dental health intact, here are a few tips that might help. Stick to Your Regular Oral Care Schedule Summer can bring opportunities for your kids to attend sleepovers or stay up late at night eating candy and other sweets.
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  • How Braces Can Protect The Future Health Of Your Teeth

    Chances are if you think about braces, your mind goes to how braces correct the alignment of teeth and can make a smile look great. However, that's not where the abilities of braces end. Braces can help to protect the health of your teeth long after they've been taken off and your alignment corrections are complete. Read on to discover what braces can do for you during and after your teeth alignment is corrected.
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