Fixing And Restoring Shifted Dental Implants

Posted on: 18 December 2015

Unlike dentures, bridges, and crowns, dental implants are a much longer term solution for teeth replacement. Because implants are inserted into the patient's jawbone, they tend to last much longer and sometimes can be completely permanent with no issues. In some cases, however, the implant can shift inside the gum line, causing the top fitting or tooth to become loose and making them uncomfortable. Implants can be corrected and restored using several different effective methods.

Re-Seating The Crown

In some cases, the implant crown can come loose over time when it has undergone a lot of wear and tear. When this happens, the dentist will need to correct it througha process called re-seating. When the implant crown comes loose, it's time to have it taken off and evaluated for any wear inside. If there is serious wear found, the dentist may add some extra material to the underside to ensure that it is re-seated more snugly. This material usually comprises a special dental cement that is designed to harden over time to keep the newly re-seated crown in place. 

Bone Restoration

In some cases, the patient's bone may be become brittle, causing the titanium implant to become loose. When this happens, the dental surgeon must remove the original implant in order to make repairs. First the implant will be remove surgically and an additional material called a bicon implant is added. This is to "make up" for the lost bone and it allows a new implant to be inserted later. Once the bicon is added, the patient will need to wait until the gums form around it before the new implant can be reinserted. Then, a porcelain fused to metal crown will be added as a replacement crown.

Replacement Prosthetics

In many cases, the titanium implant in the gums is fine but the prosthetic (or tooth) can become worn due to wear and tear over time. When this happens, the dental surgeon can simply remove the current prosthetic and replace it with a new one. Your dentist should still have lab results showing the exact shape and size of any given replacement crown, and can resubmit those results to have a new prosthesis made. It may take some time to receive the replacement crown back from the lab, but once it is ready it can easily be added on top of the implant and look brand new again. For more information, talk to a professional like Tijeras Dental Service.
