The Effects Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids On Implant Surgery Recovery

Posted on: 16 December 2019

Dental implants help correct malocclusions and improve your smile. Most people recover from implant surgery without any problems, however, because of preexisting medical conditions or advancing age, it may take certain people a little while longer to recover. Alternative and complementary treatments such as supplementing your diet with omega-3 fatty acids may help speed your recovery. Here are some ways omega-3s can enhancing healing after your dental implant surgery.

Inflammation Reduction

You may experience gum inflammation after your implant procedure. This is normal, however, people with rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disorders, poor immunity, diabetes, or poor circulation may be at a higher risk for inflammation. You may benefit from eating more fatty fish, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds have strong anti-inflammatory properties and are thought to reduce both local and systemic inflammatory responses after surgical procedures.

If you take anticoagulant medications to thin your blood, talk to your dentist or physician before consuming large amounts of fatty fish because fish oil can cause abnormal bleeding in those who take blood thinners. Fish oil supplements may be a better option for you if you don't enjoy eating fish. In addition to helping speed recovery after oral surgery, omega-3 fatty acids may reduce your risk for a dental infection after your implant procedure, especially if you have diabetes or take oral steroid medications.

Improved Jaw Mobility

Although you can still get implants if you have degenerative bone diseases such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, you may notice more jaw stiffness as you recover from your surgery. Degenerative bone disorders not only affect your spine and joints, but they also can cause pain, limited mobility, and deformities of your jawbones. Omega-3 fatty acids can improve jaw mobility and relieve pain while you are recovering from your procedure.

Be sure to keep taking your osteoporosis and arthritis medications during your recovery because they will help augment the effects of the fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids may also help your titanium rods graft better to your jawbones so that your implants stay well-anchored, more secure, and less likely to drift out of place as a result of osteoporosis or other bone-thinning disorders. 

If you have diabetes or if you're a senior, consider the above benefits omega-3s have on implant surgery recovery. Be sure to let your dentist know that you are consuming more omega-3 fatty acids so that they can monitor your healing progress. 
